适合有孩子的家庭, 不管他们的年龄, it can be difficult to find a trip that everyone agrees upon. 但是在格兰德县, there are plenty of ways to make sure everyone enjoys the perfect family-friendly escape, 其中穿插了适量的冒险元素. 这是我们的 favorite way to spend a winter week in 大县, 这肯定会让全家人都很开心! 取决于 天气 and where you stay, move around the days to best suit your family.
第一天到城里,入住你选择的酒店 住宿 在我们独特的小镇之一 韦德游戏, 劳, 韦德游戏, 弗雷泽, 硫磺温泉 or Kremmling. 专业技巧:结帐 我们的特价和套餐 为家庭规模的旅行最好的交易! Weekday stays typically have lower rates and smaller crowds.
一旦安顿下来,探索这个城镇. 无论你是在基地购物 冬季公园度假村, 在克林姆林(Kremmling)参观一些新兴的艺术画廊, find a local gem on the main street of 硫磺温泉, walk the boardwalk in 韦德游戏 or explore unique shops in 劳, there’s plenty to see for an afternoon to help get oriented in your new home for the week! 了解更多关于在每个城镇购物的信息. 晚餐,找一个 当地美食餐厅 before turning in early for the night to prepare for an epic second day in 大县.
起来,去 韦德游戏 和弗雷泽河谷. 在城里吃早餐 雕刻者日间餐厅+酒吧 然后试试你的手 狗拉雪橇. 的 whole family will get to explore the 韦德游戏 和弗雷泽河谷 backcountry with an experienced guide and musher. 一个不容错过的机会? 要求在这段旅程中掌控局面!
和你毛茸茸的新朋友一起度过了一个早上, head back into town for a delicious New Mexico-style lunch at 40号公路的沟渠, then spend the afternoon at one of our local recreation centers to keep warm. 的 大公园社区康乐 area offers fitness classes in addition to a pool, lazy river, climbing wall and more. 以美味的老式披萨结束一天 海拔披萨, 谁的自制面团, signature sauce and high-quality ingredients satisfy even the pickiest of eaters. After your afternoon and evening of play, turn in early — tomorrow will be an early start!
在你的第三天,在太阳升起之前醒来 弗雷泽 赶上… 乘坐热气球酒店提供欧陆式早餐. 全年可用, 视天气情况而定, this 乘坐热气球 goes up with the morning sun and soars above 韦德游戏 和弗雷泽河谷, presenting you with magnificent views of 大县 and the nearby 落基山国家公园.
Skim above the treetops or soar high in the sky while you 搜索 for wildlife and take photos of this unique perspective of the area. 然后, head into town for lunch to warm up — even though it’s a little warmer up in the sky, 天气仍然很冷! 试试当地最受欢迎的食物,比如 鲨鲨的餐馆, which offers breakfast favorites like benedicts all day and lunch options all afternoon.
午饭后,花一个下午的时间 滑雪橇或油管 在我们其中一座令人难以置信的山上. Between the breathtaking views and the heart-pumping thrill, you won’t want to stop! 然后, head back into town for a relaxing evening of dining, shopping or watching a movie. This would be a good night to take advantage of a hot tub if your 住宿 have one!
前往格兰比镇,在 中城咖啡馆 准备好度过活跃的一天 雪山牧场-落基山的基督教青年会. On top of a variety of year-round family-friendly activities, Snow Mountain Ranch offers some of the top activities in the Rockies including 脂肪骑自行车 还有北欧滑雪.
Spend the morning riding bikes outfitted with snow tires along the trails of Snow Mountain Ranch to see what the new 脂肪骑自行车 craze is all about. 探索天然林, snow-covered meadows and more on Snow Mountain Ranch’s 40 kilometers of groomed trails. One thing’s for sure — a morning spent biking will work up an appetite!
在餐厅吃午餐 雪山牧场的烤架 去屋里暖和暖和. When you’re ready, head back out to go for a sleigh ride at Snow Mountain Ranch. 雪山马厩 offers a 45-minute sleigh rides complete with a bonfire and hot chocolate. 和你爱的人一起跳上雪橇, snuggle under some cozy blankets and enjoy the serene outdoors in this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
在你一天的活动结束后, head back into town to grab some award-winning green chili and guacamole at 特立独行的格栅. 晚饭后,找一个 当地的电影院或现场表演场所 if you still have some extra energy before turning in for the night.
A trip to 大县 wouldn’t be complete without a day of skiing! 孩子们可以在我们所有的 滑雪的地方, parents or more advanced teens can head out on their own so everyone can find the experience they are looking for.
花一天的时间 冬季公园度假村 or 格兰比滑雪牧场 为了一些惊人的下坡乐趣,将持续一整天. Or if you're more interested in 越野滑雪, head to 韦德游戏 for some of the 顶级越野步道 包括兰德尔的"嬉闹 大湖北欧中心. 决定不了去哪里? 这是我们的 滑雪和单板滑雪学校指南 所以你可以根据你家庭的需要来选择.
Today is the day to wind down to round out your vacation. 首先,回到格兰比,停在 肥猫咖啡馆 早餐. 菜单上的每样东西都很棒, or if you're there on a weekend you can opt for the all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet.
然后,前往 硫磺温泉度假村 for the morning, where you can soak in one of 22 mineral hot spring tubs and relax. 当你在那里, 考虑做一次水疗,比如按摩, 面部或身体包裹,真正融化你的压力.
After a morning of bliss, head back into town or toward a local 滑冰 rink to 拿午餐. 然后,花一个下午的时间 滑冰 在格兰德县周围七个溜冰场中的一个或多个溜冰场. 晚餐,去 迪安酒店 位于格兰德县的一座历史建筑内. 然后, turn in and spend the night together as a family playing games and sipping hot chocolate at your hotel or resort.
在你一周假期的最后一天,去 Kremmling 在古色古香的餐厅吃个早餐,喝杯咖啡 大射手咖啡. 为早上的…加油 穿着雪鞋走 在克雷姆林附近的兔耳山口. 试着做3.顺时针走7英里,比较容易走. Take in views of the Yampa Valley and the Flat Tops for a great day of hiking on snow in the Rockies! Depending on your travel plans, you can spend another afternoon 滑雪橇或油管, 玩雪地摩托车, 越野滑雪 or simply enjoying the small mountain towns with the whole family.